07970 094 425 vicky@vickymeikle.com
Have you fell for this as well?

Have you fell for this as well?

OK hands up I fell hook line and sinker for this over the last few weeks – its sucks all the energy from you, it lurks in the background making you feel pretty rubbish and I want to share it with you because I bet you’ve caught this once in a while!

Comparisonitis is a dreadful condition. It causes havoc with our minds and our general wellbeing, sending us into a spiral of negative thoughts. Its our ego’s way of being heard, causing immense discomfort about who you are and an overall dissatisfaction with anything that you’ve accomplished. Sound familiar?

Ever noticed yourself thinking how well everyone else is doing, they seem further along than you, having more fun than you, making more money, living the life that you believe you should be. Maybe you start to feel guilty because you think there is something wrong with you and that you need to be doing more.

Comparionsitus can come in many shapes and sizes. It can be a full blown knock down causing massive amounts of negative thoughts, berating yourself, not thinking you are good enough or just a slight dissatisfaction, not lasting long of wishing you could be more like whoever or whatever you are comparing yourself too.

I’ve been pretty active on social media lately, for me this is the one place that I can get sucked into thinking I should be doing this, I’m not doing enough or I’m not good enough to do that! Ok so there are times when looking at how others are doing can be totally inspiring, I get that and I love technology for this as it allows so much more to be seen, but I have a tendency to be overwhelmed with choices, ideas, thoughts – I need to keep it simple and keep my focus (complete monkey mind!) otherwise it can only take one old belief pattern/thought to rear its ugly head and it sends me into a mini or full blown spiral of comparionsitus!

I’m moving out the other side of this little episode (totally laugh about it now!) and each time this happens, I know I’m not focused on what is, I’m focused on what I think should be happening, what I should be doing, what I should be experiencing. All that does is create more anxiety, more guilt, and more frustration about where I’m not, instead of appreciating where I am.

Awareness is absolute key. If you know this is your tendency you can totally nip it in the bud or at least be aware thats why you are feeling the way you do. This is why I include practices in my day that create more awareness, that get me out of my head and peel away the layers of old stuff, old beliefs and patterns. I’ve grown to cherish my yoga and meditation practice as an opportunity to become more aware, to be more present and to approach my days with more ease and flow.